Monday 6 December 2010


Name: Jack, Alex, Lewis and Tom

Age: All four of them are within the age range of 19-22

Ethnicity: All White British

Social class / Status: Working class

Gender / Sexuality: All four are male and straight

Ability / Disability: N/A , one disability (adhd)

Marital / family status Single

Physical looks / build: Height ranges from 5ft6 to 5ft11, average build.

Personality: Confident, energetic, entertaining, friendly

Costume, Hair & Makeup: Costume is smart casual for all four guys and hair is natural no products used in the hair and No make-up was used at anytime.

Representation issues: They all just about fit into the stereotype of indie rock, with the way that they dress and present themselves.

The photos below are of all the band member at their gig in The Flag in Watford, showing the set and lighting with the costumes and their own personal style.

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