Friday 3 December 2010

Proposal - New Song

As a group we decided to change the idea for our music video and make a much more edgy, abstract and creative piece, which also attracts a younger audience and i think that the video fits in well with the youtube community, as alot of people make interesting and odd pieces for millions of people to watch. The new band was in the same indie/rock genre which allowed us to make a video which was odd and fast paced. we decided to create a video which was almost like a video diary of the band and the gigs that they have played, and the journey to Glasgow where they performed on the street.
Inspiration for this video was from videos such as Avenged Sevenfold- afterlife (live)
which shows the quality of the live performance which has been edited to show cut aways to the crowds and show the band from different angles making the video interesting and visually strong and creative.
Another example is also from Avenged Sevenfold, the songs name is 'Dear God' which is full of sound checks, touring and performances - a video diary which is simular to a video from another band Bullet for my Valentine-Hearts burst into fire

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