Thursday, 11 November 2010


As there aren’t many lyrics to the song that we have chosen, I think that we’d need to make a narrative video to keep the audience engaged. When I listen to the song, the rhythm is quite disjointed and disconcerting and as the pace is quite fast and it increases at the end of the song, I think it would be ideal for an on foot chase scene.

The lyrics make me think of drug addiction, ‘I fed you again and again and again and again’ suggests to me that the character of the video has tried to feed their cravings for drugs, but, as they still want more, they are becoming desperate and see their addiction as being painful. Therefore, I think our video should disconcert the audience and should be distorted and confusing.

For the narrative of the music video, the setting will be somewhere dark and dimly lit. I think somewhere with winding corridors would be ideal, or perhaps a car park, as they are generally quite dark and have a lot of litter and the character could be chased down the stairs, from the top level down to the bottom.

I personally see this character as a young man, who is dressed scruffily, whose clothes are dirty after sleeping outside and whose hair is messed up and greasy, but that is not a final idea and we could challenge the audiences preconceptions by having a smartly dressed, middle aged woman, for example.

The character would wake up at the location not knowing where they are or how they got there. The editing would make it look distorted, as if we’re looking through the eyes of this person who is under the influence of drugs. For a while they’d be walking around, trying to make sense of their surroundings.

Then, if they were at a car park, they would try and call for the lift to take him down to the bottom, but then the lift opens and two men in white coats with masks on would be inside, causing him to run away. They then chase him, until finally the song ends and they catch him and push him to the floor.

The narrative could also include flash back scenes from the night before, perhaps of him visiting somewhere like Soho and interacting with the people there, going to the bar and drinking or taking drugs in the bathroom, with the men in white coats following him wherever he goes. These shots should also be distorted.

For the performance parts of the video, the band will play in a dimly lit room, both separately from each other and together as one unit, with a light swinging above their heads as they play their instruments. They could be wearing white coats and masks as well. The shots of the band will be mixed in with the narrative. For some of these shots, I’d like to have them moving in slow motion, such as in the parts where the singer sings ‘self addicted pain’, as the notes of the song are slow and drawn out at those parts.

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